How to Run the Script in the Chrome Browser
[Name of the project is "FFTesting"
2. Create a new Java class file under the Package
[Give a name of the class is ""
3. Download ChromeDriver
of all, download latest version of ChromeDriver server for webdriver software testing tool. from
Download the file and extract in the folder. You get "chromedriver.exe"
4. Next add the selenium server Jar files to the Project. Download Selenium Server
[Right click on the Project Name, Mouse over on Build Path and select 'Configure Build Path', Select Libraries tab, Click on Add External Jars and select the selenium server jar from your local machine]
5. .Write the script in the Java and execute it.
Please find the below example program to open Google in chrome browser
System.setProperty("","path of that chromedriver.exe file");
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.openqa.selenium.*; import; public class Runtesting{ public static void main(String[] args) { System.setProperty("","path of that chromedriver.exe file"); WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); //Launch website driver.navigate().to(""); //Maximize the browser driver.manage().window().maximize(); //Close the Browser. driver.close(); } }